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We arehosting our annual Spring Festival at The Lyttleton Library in Centurion, andwe would like to offer you the opportunity to be a part of it. The Festival willbe the fun for the whole family, with the full backing of The City of Tshwaneand the Sports and Recreation Department. The day will include :
1) Mosaic for Hope Project, which will also be a Guiness World Bookof Records attempt – Most (100) people working on a Mosaic project at the sametime.
2) Arts and Crafts and Food Market.
3) Coffee Shop
4) Kids Entertainment
5) White Elephant Stall for a Fundraiser for the Library
6) Community Exhibitors
7) Mouth Artist Exhibition in the Library
8) Arts and Crafts Workshops
This willhelp to draw the feet required to make any market worthwhile for thetrader.
Please findattached an application form to trade at the market. You'll also be able to seeour authorisation to arrange the market and the press release from The City ofTshwane.
Please studythe attached market layout and the rules of the market, and then pleasecomplete the application. Once this is done, send it through to me as soon asyou can, as the stalls are going fast. The cost for one stall is R200-00 (NonACASA members) and R150-00 (ACASA members) per day for general trading, fastfood stalls are going at R250-00 (Non ACASA members and R200-00 (ACASA members)
Currentbookings are for the 7th of September, but if you want to secure a stall at ourChristmas market you are welcome to do so, but you'll have to complete a newapplication for each market. Please see our events page on our web page: for moreevents.
Booking willbe confirmed on receipt of proof of payment, bank details are available onrequest.
Please feelfree to contact us should you need any further information.
Best regards
Daphne Smit
082 465 0494